Ways you can work with me to become a more Empowered Parent

There are a few different ways to work with me...

One To One Coaching

This is a series of consecutive coaching sessions in which we delve deeper into your parenting journey, with more 1:1 strategies to support your family. We also work on what is holding you back from creating the family life you always dreamt of.

Empowered Parenting Course

An 8 week intensive parenting training course that delves into emotional intelligence (EI) and how understanding your EI, is fundamental in creating a strong foundation for your children as they grow up & empowers you to become the parent you always wanted to be.

One off coaching call

This is a one off 90 minute session with me to focus on an area of parenting that you are struggling with. By the end of the call, you will go away with actionable steps that will keep you on the path of connection - to yourself and your child.

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Get In Touch

Feel free to get in touch with me regarding any questions you have about working together or how I can further help you.

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